Thursday, August 23, 2018

What is Kotlin? The Java alternative explained

Kotlin is a general purpose, open source, statically typed “pragmatic” programming language for the JVM and Android that combines object-oriented and functional programming features. It is focused on interoperability, safety, clarity, and tooling support. Versions of Kotlin for JavaScript (ECMAScript 5.1) and native code (using LLVM) are in the works.
Kotlin originated at JetBrains, the company behind IntelliJ IDEA, in 2010, and has been open source since 2012. The Kotlin team currently has more than 20 full-time members from JetBrains, and the Kotlin project on GitHub has about 100 contributors. JetBrains uses Kotlin in many of its products including its flagship IntelliJ IDEA.
convert java to kotlin IDG
At first glance, Kotlin looks like a streamlined version of Java. Consider the screenshot above, where I have converted a Java code sample (at left) to Kotlin automatically. Notice that the mindless repetition inherent in instantiating Java variables has gone away. The Java idiom
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
in Kotlin becomes
val sb = StringBuilder()
You can see that functions are defined with the fun keyword, and that semicolons are now optional when newlines are present. The valkeyword declares a read-only property or local variable. Similarly, the varkeyword declares a mutable property or local variable.
Nevertheless, Kotlin is strongly typed. The val and var keywords can be used only when the type can be inferred. Otherwise you need to declare the type. Type inference seems to be improving with each release of Kotlin.
Have a look at the function declaration near the top of both panes. The return type in Java precedes the prototype, but in Kotlin it succeeds the prototype, demarcated with a colon as in Pascal.
It is not obvious from this example, but Kotlin has relaxed Java’s requirement that functions be class members. In Kotlin, functions may be declared at top level in a file, locally inside other functions, as a member function inside a class or object, and as an extension function. Extension functions provide the C#-like ability to extend a class with new functionality without having to inherit from the class or use any type of design pattern such as Decorator.
For Groovy fans, Kotlin implements builders; in fact, Kotlin builders can be type checked. Kotlin supports delegated properties, which can be used to implement lazy properties, observable properties, vetoable properties, and mapped properties.
Many asynchronous mechanisms available in other languages can be implemented as libraries using Kotlin coroutines, which are experimental in Kotlin 1.1. This includes async/await from C# and ECMAScript, channels and select from Go, and generators/yield from C# and Python.

Functional programming in Kotlin

Allowing top-level functions is just the beginning of the functional programming story for Kotlin. The language also supports higher-order functions, anonymous functions, lambdas, inline functions, closures, tail recursion, and generics. In other words, Kotlin has all of the features and advantages of a functional language. For example, consider the following functional Kotlin idioms.

Filtering a list in Kotlin

val positives = list.filter { x -> x > 0 }
For an even shorter expression, use it when there is only a single parameter in the lambda function:
val positives = list.filter { it > 0 }

Traversing a map/list of pairs in Kotlin

for ((k, v) in map) { println(“$k -> $v”) }
k and v can be called anything.

Using ranges in Kotlin

for (i in 1..100) { ... }  // closed range: includes 100
for (i in 1 until 100) { ... } // half-open range: does not include 100
for (x in 2..10 step 2) { ... }
for (x in 10 downTo 1) { ... }
if (x in 1..10) { ... }
The above examples show the for keyword as well as the use of ranges.
Even though Kotlin is a full-fledged functional programming language, it preserves most of the object-oriented nature of Java as an alternative programming style, which is very handy when converting existing Java code. Kotlin has classes with constructors, along with nested, inner, and anonymous inner classes, and it has interfaces like Java 8. Kotlin does nothave a new keyword. To create a class instance, call the constructor just like a regular function. We saw that in the screenshot above.
Kotlin has single inheritance from a named superclass, and all Kotlin classes have a default superclass Any, which is not the same as the Java base class java.lang.ObjectAny contains only three predefined member functions: equals()hashCode(), and toString().
Kotlin classes have to be marked with the open keyword in order to allow other classes to inherit from them; Java classes are kind of the opposite, as they are inheritable unless marked with the final keyword. To override a superclass method, the method itself must be marked open, and the subclass method must be marked override. This is all of a piece with Kotlin’s philosophy of making things explicit rather than relying on defaults. In this particular case, I can see where Kotlin’s way of explicitly marking base class members as open for inheritance and derived class members as overrides avoids several kinds of common Java errors.

Safety features in Kotlin

Speaking of avoiding common errors, Kotlin was designed to eliminate the danger of null pointer references and streamline the handling of null values. It does this by making a null illegal for standard types, adding nullable types, and implementing shortcut notations to handle tests for null.
For example, a regular variable of type String cannot hold null:
var a : String ="abc" 
a = null // compilation error
If you need to allow nulls, for example to hold SQL query results, you can declare a nullable type by appending a question mark to the type, e.g. String?.
var b: String? ="abc"
b = null // ok
The protections go a little further. You can use a non-nullable type with impunity, but you have to test a nullable type for null values before using it.
To avoid the verbose grammar normally needed for null testing, Kotlin introduces a safe call, written ?.. For example, b?.length returns b.length if b is not null, and null otherwise. The type of this expression is Int?.
In other words, b?.length is a shortcut for if (b != null) b.length else null. This syntax chains nicely, eliminating quite a lot of prolix logic, especially when an object was populated from a series of database queries, any of which might have failed. For instance, bob?.department?.head?.name would return the name of Bob’s department head if Bob, the department, and the department head are all non-null.
To perform a certain operation only for non-null values, you can use the safe call operator ?. together with let:
val listWithNulls: List<String?> = listOf(“A”, null) 
for (item in listWithNulls) {
       item?.let { println(it) } // prints A and ignores null }
Often you want to return a valid but special value from a nullable expression, usually so that you can save it into a non-nullable type. There’s a special syntax for this called the Elvis operator (I kid you not), written ?:.
val l = b?.length ?: -1
is the equivalent of 
val l: Int = if (b != null) b.length else -1
In the same vein, Kotlin lacks Java’s checked exceptions, which are throwable conditions that must be caught. For example, the JDK signature
Appendable append(CharSequence csq) throws IOException;
requires you to catch IOException every time you call an append method:
try {
catch (IOException e) {
  // Do something with the exception
The designers of Java thought this was a good idea, and it was a net win for toy programs, as long as the programmers implemented something sensible in the catch clause. All too often in large Java programs, however, you see code in which the mandatory catch clause contains nothing but a comment: //todo: handle this. This doesn’t help anyone, and checked exceptions turned out to be a net loss for large programs.

Kotlin for Android

Up until May 2017, the only officially supported programming languages for Android were Java and C++. Google announced official support for Kotlin on Android at Google I/O 2017, and starting with Android Studio 3.0 Kotlin is built into the Android development toolset. Kotlin can be added to earlier versions of Android Studio with a plug-in.
Kotlin compiles to the same byte code as Java, interoperates with Java classes in natural ways, and shares its tooling with Java. Because there is no overhead for calling back and forth between Kotlin and Java, adding Kotlin incrementally to an Android app currently in Java makes perfect sense. The few cases where the interoperability between Kotlin and Java code lacks grace, such as Java set-only properties, are rarely encountered and easily fixed.
Pinterest was the poster child for Android apps written in Kotlin as early as November 2016, and it was mentioned prominently at Google I/O 2017 as part of the Kotlin announcement. In addition, the Kotlin team likes to cite the Evernote, Trello, Square, and Coursera apps for Android.

Kotlin vs. Java

The question of whether to choose Kotlin or Java for new development has been coming up a lot in the Android community since the Google I/O announcement, although people were already asking the question in February 2016 when Kotlin 1.0 shipped. The short answer is that Kotlin code is safer and more concise than Java code, and that Kotlin and Java files can coexist in Android apps, so that Kotlin is not only useful for new apps, but also for expanding existing Java apps.
The only cogent argument I have seen for choosing Java over Kotlin would be for the case of complete Android development newbies. For them, there might be a barrier to surmount given that most Android documentation and examples are in Java. On the other hand, converting Java to Kotlin in Android Studio is a simple matter of pasting the Java code into a Kotlin file.
For almost anyone else doing Android development, the advantages of Kotlin are compelling. The typical time quoted for a Java developer to learn Kotlin is a few hours—a small price to pay to eliminate null reference errors, enable extension functions, support functional programming, and add coroutines.

Kotlin vs. Scala

The question of whether to choose Kotlin or Scala doesn’t come up often in the Android community because the Android tool support for Scala just isn’t very good, and the Scala library for Android tends to be on the large side. On the other hand, the Scala community is keenly aware of the issues and is working on solutions for them.
In other environments, the situation is different. For example, Apache Spark is mostly written in Scala, and big data applications for Spark are often written in Scala.
In many ways both Scala and Kotlin represent the fusion of object-oriented programming, as exemplified by Java, with functional programming. The two languages share many concepts and notations, such as immutable declarations using val and mutable declarations using var, but differ slightly on others, such as where to put the arrow when declaring a lambda function, and whether to use a single arrow or a double arrow. The Kotlin data class maps to the Scala case class.
Kotlin defines nullable variables in a way that is similar to Groovy, C#, and F#; most people get it quickly. Scala, on the other hand, defines nullable variables using the Option monad, which can be so forbidding that some authors seem to think that Scala doesn’t have null safety.
One clear deficit of Scala is that its compile times tend to be long, something that is most obvious when you’re building a large body of Scala, such as the Spark repository, from source. Kotlin, on the other hand, was designed to compile quickly in the most frequent software development scenarios, and in fact often compiles faster than Java code.

Kotlin interoperability with Java

At this point you may be wondering how Kotlin handles the results of Java interoperability calls, given the differences in null handling and checked exceptions. Kotlin silently and reliably infers what is called a “platform type” that behaves exactly like a Java type, meaning that is nullable but can generate null-pointer exceptions. Kotlin may also inject an assertion into the code at compile time to avoid triggering an actual null pointer exception. There’s no explicit language notation for a platform type, but in the event Kotlin has to report a platform type, such as in an error message, it appends ! to the type.

Top 10 Emerging Technologies among Java Developers in 2018

One week ago we started a 1-question survey to get insight into the most desired technologies in the year 2018 among several Java communities. Our purpose was to consolidate our efforts and provide tutorials and examples about topics you are interested in. Nevertheless, the results from this survey are very informative and interesting on their own. There are trends we were able to predict, but to be honest some of the top technologies you picked up to learn in 2018 are surprising to us.
The 1-question, multi-choice survey

The multi-choice survey (meaning you could pick more than one answer) gave the following options:
  • Java 9
  • Java EE 8
  • Microservices
  • Angular
  • React
  • Spring Framework
  • Design Patterns
  • Big Data
  • AI and machine learning
  • Blockchain
As you may already notice not all of the given choices are Java frameworks and technologies. We also added front-end frameworks and trending technologies in the IT sector like Big Data, AI, and Blockchain. I am sure you will agree with me, that having core Java knowledge is just the minimum to excel in various software areas and the programming language itself is just a tool to implement different/bigger solutions.

The Most Wanted Technology among Java Developers in 2018

So finally here are the results. Following diagram shows the most desired technologies in the year 2018
Most wanted technologies among Java developers in 2018
Most wanted technologies among Java developers in 2018

#1 Java 9

Released in September 2017 – Java 9 is by far the most attractive new technology to learn in 2018. With 45.5% of all votes, Java 9 is the clear winner. It’s not a big surprise developer want to learn the new features of a language they use in everyday work. We already covered you up with some Java 9 tutorials like JShell and Immutable collections. There will be many more to come in 2018

#2 AI and Machine Learning

Although AI and machine learning are very trendy in the software industry right now, I must confess I am pretty surprised at the number of votes for this technology. It’s obvious – Java developers want to cover this area too. And why not? Previously mainly developed in C and Python, neural networks, deep learning and AI are not privileged to those two programming languages anymore. Frameworks like Deeplearning4j bring Java developers back in the game. Of course, we will give our best to provide you with AI and deep learning tutorials in 2018.

#3 Blockchain

And the bronze medal for 2018 goes to blockchain technology. Alright, we all have heard about Bitcoin, Ethereum, or other cryptocurrencies with funky names rolling around our news feeds. As seen in the results diagram above the tech community is now finding other potential uses for the blockchain technology and is eager to learn how to exploit all it’s potential. The Java community makes no exception either. We are preparing some tutorials on this topic too.

#4 Microservices

Although not a new concept, microservices became trendy last year among server-side developers. Java community makes no exception here. Evolving architecture concepts and the demand on distributed and simple architecture makes many companies decide for microservices. Forced by application architects or willingly a lot of Java developer will spend the time to learn about microservices in 2018.

#5 Spring

And yet for another year, Spring is the technology of choice for many Java enterprise developers. With 21.6% Spring is winning against Java EE 8, which has 19.3% of all votes. We already started writing Spring tutorial for you. Now as Spring 5 has been released expect more cool examples and tutorials to come.

#6 Big Data

Big data is another trendy field in the Software industry for the last few years. Also, there are plenty of job offers in this area, so if you are about to learn Big Data you are on the right track.

#7 Java EE 8

Java EE 8 comes with many new features like Servlet 4.0 with the support of HTTP/2, new and improved JSON building and processing, improved CDI and RESTful web services, new JSF version, new Java EE Security API and others. Still, the majority of back-end developers pick Spring as their technology to learn in 2018.

#8 Design Patterns

Although not a technology neither a framework, design patterns made it to position 8 in our list. The readable, clean and maintainable code is the goal of many developers and it should be.

#9 Angular

Being a full-stack developer nowadays means you should have considerable knowledge of front-end technologies too. Not really a trend Angular and React are the great way to build the presentation layer of your web-app. Those two are not the only choice for front-end development of course and if we look back and see how quickly JS technologies evolved over the past years I expect at least 3 new JS frameworks till the end of 2018 ðŸ˜‰

#10 React

Angular and React share the same number of votes.